Tatar belongs to the Kipcak (Kipchak, Kypchak, Qybcaq) branch of the Turkic languages, also called Northwestern Turkic, tawlï-, or tau-branch of Turkic. The closest relative of Tatar is Baškir (Bashkir).
Tatar is spoken by approximately 5,7 million people in Tatarstan (Russian Federation).Smaller communities of Tatar speakers are spread throughout the neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, e.g. Bašqortostan, Mordovia, Udmurtia, etc. Tatar is also spoken in southwestern Siberia (Krasnojarsk, Omsk, Tiumen’, Tomsk regions, etc.), central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), eastern Europe (mostly the post-Soviet republics, Southern Russia).
Tatar has a large number of dialects, which can be classified into three major groups: Central, Western/Mišarian and Eastern/Siberian. The Central dialects are spoken in Tatarstan, Baškiria, Udmurtia and numerous regions of central Russia, such as Kirov, Riazan’, Perm’, Kuibyšev, etc. The Western/Mišarian dialects are divided into c-dialects and c-dialects. The dialects belonging to both sub-groups are spoken in the southern regions of Russia, but c-dialects are more widespread in Mordovia, Tatarstan, and the regions of Penza, Saratov, Tambov, Orenburg, whereas c-dialects prevail in Cuvašia (Chuvashia), Baškiria, and the regions of Gorkij and Uljanovsk. The Eastern/Siberian dialects are spoken in the southern Siberian regions of Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tiumen’ and Tomsk. Modern standard Tatar has features of Central and Western/Mišarian dialects.
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